Preconcert music by 2019 scholarship winners in the lobbyDr. Geoffrey Pope gives the BCSO pre-concert lecture. Dr. Geoffrey Pope demonstrates on the piano during his pre-concert lecture on Stravinsky’s Firebird Suite. BCSA Chairperson, Pat Chavez delivers pre-concert announcements.Dr. Geoffrey Pope shakes hands with Concertmaster, Rebecca Rutkowski, prior to beginning the concert. Maestro Pope Greets the BCSO AudienceDr. Pope leads the BCSO in the Star Spangled BannerMaestro Pope guest conducts the BCSO November 2019 Concert. BCSO Charter Member Bob Peterson listens to the brass fanfare written in his honor by Dr. Geoffrey Pope as a surprise!BCSO Wind SectionBCSO Cellos & BassesPiano Soloist, Georji Slavchev performs at BCSO November 2019 ConcertBeach Cities Symphony’s November 2019 Concert – led by Maestro Pope, with Georji Slavchev on piano. Maestro Geoffrey Pope guest conducts the Beach Cities Symphony for the November 2019 concert. Paul Piazza Leads the Beach Cities in Jan 2020Flute section for BCSOString section for BCSO Wind Section, BCSOSoprano Erin WoodMs. Wood delivers a rousing rendition of Ah! Perfido with Beach Cities Symphony OrchestraMaestro Piazza thanks Ms. WoodMaestro Piazza congratulating Ms. Wood on a wonderful performance!Concertmaster, Rebecca RutkowskiString player, Matt Brislawn concentatesPrincipal Horn, Susan Winston & 2nd Bassoonist, Erika Snow Robinson appreciates Erin Wood’s solo performance!Ken Park on TimpaniBCSO Wind SectionBCSO Brass SectionBoard Member Jennifer Holly Cannon thanks Maestro Piazza for leading us!Entire BCSO Board Chair Pat Chavez leads the intermission announcementsBoard Member, Gala Chair, & 2nd Bassoonist, Erika Snow Robinson lets audience members know about the “Summer in February” Gala on Feburary 29th!BCSO thanks Maestro Paul Piazza with an after-concert cake at the BCSO concert receptionBoard Chair Pat Chavez & Maestro Piazza cut the cake! Maestro Piazza & his lovely girlfriend enjoy cake & congratulations on him leading the BCSOConcert stars for the nite: Maestro Paul Piazza & Soprano Erin Wood
Beach Cities Symphony Orchestra’s 64th anniversary season’s forst concert at 10/25/2013. Concert took place at Marsee Auditorium, El Camino College Center for the Arts campusBeach Cities Symphony Orchestra’s 64th anniversary season’s first concert at 10/25/2013. Concert took place at Marsee Auditorium, El Camino College Center for the Arts campusBeach Cities Symphony Orchestra’s 64th anniversary season’s forst concert at 10/25/2013. Concert took place at Marsee Auditorium, El Camino College Center for the Arts campusBeach Cities Symphony Orchestra’s 64th anniversary season’s forst concert at 10/25/2013. Concert took place at Marsee Auditorium, El Camino College Center for the Arts campusBeach Cities Symphony Orchestra’s 64th anniversary season’s forst concert at 10/25/2013. Concert took place at Marsee Auditorium, El Camino College Center for the Arts campusBeach Cities Symphony Orchestra’s 64th anniversary season’s forst concert at 10/25/2013. Concert took place at Marsee Auditorium, El Camino College Center for the Arts campus